PWebS HTTP Server

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    25-Aug-2002 - Released version 0.0.2

    Here's the changes from previous release:
    • Implemented Keep-Alive, following the HTTP/1.1 specification. This bring a powerful speedup (at least in benchmarks..) but take on the other hand make the server to miss some request (average is 4 over 1000).
    • SSI feature almost all of the original NCSA SSI directives, the only one not implemented is 'exec'. The rest should work fine.
    • The response process is now modularized: the header of the response are are keeped in a dictionary and there is a function that build (and send) the standard response header.
    • Fixed a bug with the rotation of logs
    • Disabled (temporary) Timeout because the timer code is really broken and make a mess with threads.

    17-Aug-2002 - Initial release

    This is the first public release (version 0.0.1)

$Id: news.shtml,v 1.2 2002/08/25 19:05:30 matteomerli Exp $ SourceForge Logo